Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Politics Never Looked SO Important ... Until Now.

Seems the Republican Party finally has something to offer "liberal" America. And, by "liberal America" I mean every single pagan and heathen living in this country! (C'mon, face it - if it weren't for "them damn liberals" you'd never have the right to be openly pagan, in the first place... So, suck it up you self-proclaimed "conservative" polytheist and amass your other pagan and heathen brothers and sisters together!) WE'RE GOING TO THE POLLS!

Gary Johnson - perhaps, one of the most controversial Republicans in history - is advocating for real American values: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. FOR EVERYONE! Here are some snippets from the news, regarding Mr. Johnson: "The former New Mexico governor spoke with members of the Pagan Newswire Collective, ModernWitch Podcast and, among others. He said it was important to reach out to voters that fall outside the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths, and slammed his own party for being too beholden to the Christian right."

"Johnson also spoke on LGBT rights, drug policy, taxes, entitlement reform and even the teaching of Eastern practices, such as yoga and acupuncture, in American schools."
"Johnson’s position as a liberal Republican who supports abortion contrasts him with some of the other potential presidential candidates — like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee or Tim Pawlenty and Haley Barbour — who take strongly pro-life views and have lengthy pro-life records as governors themselves. "
"Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson is baffled that more politicians don't support legalizing marijuana... This may be the only issue on the national scene where half the American people support something, but zero percent, statistically speaking, of elected officials and politicians will publicly agree with them..."

... Mr. Johnson is also a Capricorn, born on January 1st. Happy New Year, Polytheists!!

While Mr. Johnson is the good news, there is also a lot of bad news, too. Especially, if you're a woman who has been misled by the US government to believe that you had certain unalienable rights as a real human being...  THE HEART BEAT BILL ...

1. It requires the abortionist to check to see if the unborn baby the pregnant woman is carrying has a heartbeat. Sec. 2919.19(C).

2. If the child has been found to have a heartbeat, it requires the abortionist to let the mother know this. Sec. 2919.19(D)

3. If the baby is found to have a detectable heartbeat, that child is protected from being killed by an elective abortion. Sec. 2919.19(E).

And, though, this seems only immenent in the State of Vatican... *cough cough* I mean, OHIO... the rest of American women have this to look forward to this crap (spoiler at the bottom of citations):
Protect Life Act: New Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Refuse To Perform Abortions ...

"The House is scheduled to vote this week on a new bill that would allow federally-funded hospitals that oppose abortions to refuse to perform the procedure, even in cases where a woman would die without it. "

"Under H.R. 358, dubbed the "Protect Life Act" and sponsored by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), hospitals that don't want to provide abortions could refuse to do so, even for a pregnant woman with a life-threatening complication that requires a doctor terminate her pregnancy."

"In addition to changing the rules for hospitals, H.R. 358 would deny federal funding to any health care plan that includes abortion coverage, something that might cause insurance providers to stop covering abortions. "

... The Protect Life Act is being called the "Let Them Die" policy: New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion  On Thursday, House Republicans passed a bill that gives medical professionals the right to let a pregnant woman die rather than perform an abortion to save her life.


Women, Unite:   ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Conversations from the Porch Oct 2011 THE DEAD

Also referenced during the show:
Uruzz Rocks!  "Defender" by Man-O-War

Expect the Unexpected

The hosts and staff had a surprising shock while setting up for the October 16th broadcast; the CFTP show and link disappeared off the Third Eye Live [TEL] Productions line up and show listings page. An Oregon listener sent a private text at about 4:42 p.m., informing us they could not find the show, anywhere. We had already been working to re-establish the link since 4:39 p.m.

At the time, it was unconfirmed whether, or not, CFTP had been cancelled due to “questionable” subject matter, dialogue… you name it. So, for the last 20 minutes before The Dead broadcast, The “Ik” had to break into the Blog Talk account and re-add the Conversations show without any prior experience. With the Evil Sock Monkey looming overhead and dictating additional information, we were able to get everything embedded and live – with 2 minutes to spare! Kudos to the production crew!

Later, the CFTP hosts discovered that we had only been scheduled on a “trial” basis; and, had already been approved to remain a permanent fixture on TEL Productions. Unfortunately, due to the hectic schedule of the TEL crew that whole week, the slotting process got overlooked. [Oops!] Thankfully, we were able to broadcast in time, and we all hope that everyone enjoyed The Dead broadcast for what it was (we, later, figured we could talk about the subject for the next 2 or 3 months).

This filters through to our upcoming November broadcast: Curses, Hexes & “Left-hand” Magicks. For truth, you cannot speak of the dead and how certain funerary rites must be performed in order to avoid cursing the living – or, the dead. I can say, without preamble, the CFTP crew hopes to continue discussing “taboo” topics, inserting the hosts’ twisted humors; we think it is one of the best ways to learn.

There may be some of you who are just thrilled with the topics, as of late; finally, listening to others who are unafraid to “go there”, or else, just validating the conclusions you have already come to within your own studies and / or research. However, there is an underlying current to this next broadcast that should – nay, requires explanation.

Northern European reconstructionists have only just begun to delve into these subjects; re-constructing the processes and such, from archaeological discoveries. The formulary (recipes and prescriptions) can be found in relics and old texts, but, the methodology (system and manner) is what seems to be missing from “restored” polytheistic practices. We are forewarning you, our listeners, that what you will hear for the Curses, Hexes & “Left-hand” Magicks broadcast may go against everything you’ve ever learned. It is also possible that you may hear some things that might come across as insulting to your specific heathen / pagan practices.

I would like to remind you, the listener that CFTP presents information to the public based on the hosts’ interpretations, and experimental processes. In saying this, I must (for all intent and purpose) make one thing abundantly clear: You cannot heal, if you cannot hex. Do not attempt any ‘retribution magick’ or, ‘negative magick’ unless you are confident in your ability to reverse it. The upcoming Curses, Hexes & “Left-hand” Magicks broadcast is not intended as a means to justify anyone performing such magicks, or, to make claims to the actuality of any discussed magicks being effective.

The first November program is to discuss the methodology of Curses, Hexes & “Left-hand” Magicks… it is intended as more scientific process, than an ingredients-listing. For more information about the “formularies” accepted by the HHC (the host-body of CFTP), please consider:

OFFENSIVE GESTURES by Ikinde Skreja Ominnsaer

This “dark side” companion to Ward In My Pocket is for the mischievous-at-heart. It is an all-in-one collection of otherworldly “no-no’s”. Stop wondering how to instigate ghostly encounters or provoke eerie experiences and start considering what your next conversation with the dead might be.                                           

WARD IN MY POCKET by Ikinde Skreja Ominnsaer

This little book is one, convenient reach for tips and tricks to getting rid of the heebie-jeebies. It is a direct address to “things” that follow you home. Un-people, cling-on’s and walk-in’s can disrupt your life, emotions, and sleep patterns. No searching through chapters to find the right solution to your situation – simply flip open to any page! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CFTP Gets a Mascot

Many moons ago, on a social network close-by...

Our newly-appointed (and, more permanent) production-girl was accused of being an "alter ego" (aka: 'sock puppet') for The "Ik". It should come as no surprise that the hosts of CFTP have embraced the wackiness and come up with a truly obnoxious idea:

"We need a mascot!"

Starting as soon as possible, our new mascot will have its own fan-page on Facebook, and as soon as we can solidify the designs, CFTP paraphenalia will be available on Cafe Press. Hail the day, my friends. Hail the day!

"Sparky" - the evil sock monkey

Monday, October 3, 2011

Wyrds from WPB

Sometimes, things just don't work out the way one expects them to. In our case, we had anticipated traveling down south [apx. 2-1/2 hours] to meet up with long-time friends, owners of The Spiderweb; the same wonderful people who suggested we begin broadcasting - and, set us up with Third Eye Live Productions on Blog Talk.

Although, it is unfortunate we were unable to visit with them, we do know that Sam's birthday (and, his son's) was something they just couldn't put off. There were just too many happy surprises awaiting them - and, the Conversations from the Porch crew just refused to compete with that... So, happy birthday - again - dear friend(s)!

Listening back on the first-ever "Wyrd" broadcast, I [Ik] was able to clearly identify my anxiousness. Perhaps, we were all anxious because we were counting down the hours and subsequent minutes until our interviewees called. How cool was it that Reverend Alicia Lyon Folberth of the Panthean Temple, author, artist - trendsetter - had agreed to speak with us, live?

Get to know the good Reverend at Witchvox:

I know what you're thinking: "Just about as awesome as hearing Aedh Rua's poem *in transalpine Gaulish*!" Now, THAT was exciting! (You should've seen Uruzz and Morlog smiling like dorks, knuckle-bumping and silently mimicking the kid from 'Home Alone'.)

"Celtic Flame: An Insider's Guide to Irish Pagan Tradition" by Aedh Rua

Celtic Scholar's final thoughts about the book:

  •  It is one practitioner’s interpretation of Irish polytheism and he freely admits that at the very beginning.

  •  The author show a high level of research in his book whether one agrees with his conclusions or not.

  •  He tackles subjects that are hard and for the most part does them justice.

  •  He puts a lot of effort in the specifics of what he sees as the Irish practice of polytheism. Discusses the components of religion, which are belief, sacred writings and oral traditions, rituals and ceremonies, and ethics.

  •  I very much enjoyed this book

  • All of us want to extend our appreciation to both our guests for taking the time away from their lives to sit in, and share themselves on the CFTP's special "Wyrd" broadcast. Our next "Wyrd" will be in February, 2012; and, our next CFTP broadcast will discuss northern European death and ghost traditions. Catch ya'll later!