Gary Johnson - perhaps, one of the most controversial Republicans in history - is advocating for real American values: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. FOR EVERYONE! Here are some snippets from the news, regarding Mr. Johnson: "The former New Mexico governor spoke with members of the Pagan Newswire Collective, ModernWitch Podcast and, among others. He said it was important to reach out to voters that fall outside the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths, and slammed his own party for being too beholden to the Christian right."
"Johnson also spoke on LGBT rights, drug policy, taxes, entitlement reform and even the teaching of Eastern practices, such as yoga and acupuncture, in American schools."
"Johnson’s position as a liberal Republican who supports abortion contrasts him with some of the other potential presidential candidates — like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee or Tim Pawlenty and Haley Barbour — who take strongly pro-life views and have lengthy pro-life records as governors themselves. "
"Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson is baffled that more politicians don't support legalizing marijuana... This may be the only issue on the national scene where half the American people support something, but zero percent, statistically speaking, of elected officials and politicians will publicly agree with them..."
... Mr. Johnson is also a Capricorn, born on January 1st. Happy New Year, Polytheists!!
While Mr. Johnson is the good news, there is also a lot of bad news, too. Especially, if you're a woman who has been misled by the US government to believe that you had certain unalienable rights as a real human being... THE HEART BEAT BILL ...
1. It requires the abortionist to check to see if the unborn baby the pregnant woman is carrying has a heartbeat. Sec. 2919.19(C).
2. If the child has been found to have a heartbeat, it requires the abortionist to let the mother know this. Sec. 2919.19(D)
3. If the baby is found to have a detectable heartbeat, that child is protected from being killed by an elective abortion. Sec. 2919.19(E).
And, though, this seems only immenent in the State of Vatican... *cough cough* I mean, OHIO... the rest of American women have this to look forward to this crap (spoiler at the bottom of citations):
Protect Life Act: New Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Refuse To Perform Abortions ...
"The House is scheduled to vote this week on a new bill that would allow federally-funded hospitals that oppose abortions to refuse to perform the procedure, even in cases where a woman would die without it. "
"Under H.R. 358, dubbed the "Protect Life Act" and sponsored by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), hospitals that don't want to provide abortions could refuse to do so, even for a pregnant woman with a life-threatening complication that requires a doctor terminate her pregnancy."
"In addition to changing the rules for hospitals, H.R. 358 would deny federal funding to any health care plan that includes abortion coverage, something that might cause insurance providers to stop covering abortions. "
... The Protect Life Act is being called the "Let Them Die" policy: New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion On Thursday, House Republicans passed a bill that gives medical professionals the right to let a pregnant woman die rather than perform an abortion to save her life.
Women, Unite: ...