Sunday, December 15, 2013

Conversations From The Porch 12/15 by Hrafnstong Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Conversations From The Porch 12/15 by Hrafnstong Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Yuletide traditions: bringing into your home, teaching the children; appreciating your family; Papa Odin comes in and takes a couple of children's phone calls; "Privileged Pagans"; Morlog's "Holy Blessings for the Yuletide"; Uruzz rocks a new Norwegian music artist.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Conversations from Porch 12/01/2013 episode

Cleanliness next to Godliness; being true to your people; talking to kids about Jesus and paganism; living your faith vs putting on a show; TV's season of the witch...

Conversations from the Porch Show from Nov 17, 2013

The archive of the "lost" episode (3rd Sunday in November)... Can't remember what we talked about, but, it was a good enough show that we were bummed about not being able to post it.